
I learn. I develop.

I've decided to move all of my future technology-based articles to my developer-oriented blog, and I am shifting the focus of this blog to exclusively personal topics.

A new (maybe old) philosophy for personal computing, social media, and communication.

The problem with having a multi-purpose, do-everything computer is that, just like the clutter on my desk, things in my computer start to accumulate. I use my laptop for work, for personal projects, for entertainment, for paperwork, and everything in between. Programs I've experimented with, temporary files, unnecessary configuration files, abandoned project folders, old photos... If there were a computer virus lurking on my hard drive, and actively wreaking havoc every time I connected to the internet, I might not even know about it. My virtual space gets just as cluttered as my physical space. My OCD tendencies may despair at my desk, but at least there is hope for my desktop.

I've been looking for a better way to keep track of my family finances, but - being the picky person I am - I've been having trouble finding one that meets all my needs. Obviously, my software developer mindset keeps telling me to make my own solution, but also, when it comes to my money and spending habits, I am even more privacy-obsessed than usual.

So... I finally switched IPs.