
I learn. I develop.

I've known my friend Hamish for many years, and we've had a common interest in technology and other such things. He was one of the first people to encourage me to get into programming in the first place, and he's been a mentor of sorts to me ever since.

I was listening to an interview of Peter Thiel, and he said something that caught my attention. The quote is, "If crypto is libertarian, then AI is communist." This little nugget of wisdom helped me piece together some stray thoughts I've had, between which I previously had not made any connections....

The problem with having a multi-purpose, do-everything computer is that, just like the clutter on my desk, things in my computer start to accumulate. I use my laptop for work, for personal projects, for entertainment, for paperwork, and everything in between. Programs I've experimented with, temporary files, unnecessary configuration files, abandoned project folders, old photos... If there were a computer virus lurking on my hard drive, and actively wreaking havoc every time I connected to the internet, I might not even know about it. My virtual space gets just as cluttered as my physical space. My OCD tendencies may despair at my desk, but at least there is hope for my desktop.